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Maastricht Exchange

The day with the Dutch exchange students was really great.

First we played some games so that we get to know each other better. After that we should actually go in school lessons but we played too long, so we didn't have any school lessons with our exchange partners. We went to Cologne where we wanted to do a rally but the bus was too late, so we didn't do the rally and only went shopping. Unfortunately we only had one hour in Cologne so we couldn't show our Dutch exchange students so much of Cologne.

In the afternoon, at home, we first went to a pizza place. After that we played badminton and some ball games outside, but before that I introduced my exchange partners to my family. My exchange partners are so nice. They are very friendly and the fact that we had to speak English was no problem because my exchange students and I speak it very well.

We had a very nice day and I'm looking forward to seeing them on Friday again.

I think we also do some games at their school and I've heard that they are going to show us their school on Friday.

We will also go to Maastricht with our exchange students a after that we are going to visit their families. This is going to be a lot of fun. I will have a very nice day, I guess, and I only can recommend this exchange to everybody. It's such a nice thing.

Melanie Lunemann, Klasse 8b

Yesterday the Dutch exchange students came to our school. It was a very good day with them. I liked it. But sometimes it was very stressful because we didn't have enough time to go shopping or do the rally. The people from the Netherlands are very nice. First when they came to our school, we played a game to get to know the Dutch exchange students. After the game we went to our science lesson, but it was boring! Then our bus came and we went to Cologne. We didn't have so much time there because our bus came too late. When we came back from Cologne my exchange students and I went to have some pizza in Delhoven with Marie, Irene, Martin, Ric, Zoe and me. I'm looking forward to going to Maastricht and have a very nice day there with Dutch students

Christina Lemmer


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